Smokeless Tobacco
% using tobacco daily: 2013
Even though fewer people use smokeless tobacco on average in Saudi Arabia than on average in very high-HDI countries, 238200 people still currently use smokeless tobacco, indicating an ongoing public health challenge, including heightened levels of oral cancers.
Societal Harms
The economic cost of smoking in Saudi Arabia amounts to 4545 million riyal. This includes direct costs related to healthcare expenditures and indirect costs related to lost productivity due to early mortality and morbidity.
Tobacco Use Also...
The combined revenues of the world's 6 largest tobacco companies in 2016 was more than USD 346 Billion, which is equal to 52% of the Gross National Income of Saudi Arabia. The industry is a powerful force that does not fear the actions of smaller nation-states because of their extensive resources and global market power. Larger economies and nations have the opportunity to help the smaller allies face down this threat.